Welcome to the forest! My friends call me Essea and I’m excited for you to meet them. Parties, adventures, school, home and friends come alive in these ancient woods. The stories below and the puppet videos will light the way to these loveable friends and into their lives. Stop and read an occasional poem and be sure to sign up for the monthly newsletter, Forest Trails. New friends await! Ready, set, go!

I Wonder
A charming children’s picture book with wonder-inducing illustrations
I love listening to young children and hearing about their worlds. What are they thinking about? In this case what do they wonder about? The questions at the end may lead you into fascinating conversations.
I Wonder engages the child’s imagination and sense of play as they encounter animals going about their days doing implausible things. Well…maybe goats do eat ice cream sundaes! While it’s meant to bring a bit of fun and some giggles into their life, the pleasure of the pages within are doubled when you are invited through the questions at the end to enter into the child’s world as they wonder with you.
I Wonder came to life after an excursion through the animal section of the Evergreen State Fair with camera in hand. Many but not all of the animals in the book were there.

More Enchanting Books Coming Soon
On their way!
I have plans for two more books for preschool children before I switch to writing an American Revolution series for older grade school children.
One book is a poetry book.
My Current Project:
I have gathered poems meant for younger children into a book soon to be illustrated by Lois Dahl. Lois illustrated I Wonder and has agreed to use her art for this book as well! I can’t wait to see what she will create! I hope to have it out by November 2023 and will keep you posted as the months go by. If you sign up for my newsletter, you will get a sneak peek of Lois’ art work when it begins to come out.
Videos by Essea
Video 1: Something is always happening in the Forest. Life lessons from Mr. Brown introduce us to one family.
Coming Soon!